Happy Holidays!!!
This has been a very busy year for me with increasing home
prices sellers sold and buyers jumped in before home prices increased more.
With the assistance of you, my loyal clients, I was one of the 25 Top Producers
for Evergreen again!
Best wishes to you and your families, Happy Holidays and may all our
New Year's be filled with happiness, good
health and prosperity.
Yours sincerely,
Kristin Devlin
Well, I sold all my listings except one now. November and December were crazy busy with escrow closings, buyers and seller enquiries and of course, family preparation for the Holidays.
Whew now it's back to work.
This annual survey is prepared by National Association of
Realtors based on a mailing to 72,206 recent clients from
information furnished by Experian. The response rate was 9.4% so NAR
has the same problem that I do on email surveys; good to know that it is
not just my surveys that are ignored. This post is based on an
outstanding article by Bob Hunt, San Clemente Broker and Author, that
was published by Realty Times.
First important point: First-time homebuyers were only 33% of
the market in 2014. This is the lowest figure in decades, lending
standards, student loan debt, and an uncertain economy could be factors.
Other percentages; 74% of buyers used the Internet frequently
during their search, while 63% said that they frequently relied on an
agent for information. The most used sources are on-line websites
(88%), real estate agents (87%), mobile or tablet apps (50%), yard signs
(48%), and only 21% of the buyers used newspaper ads.
How did the buyers find the home of their dreams? Internet
(43%), Agents (33%), Yard Signs (9%), Newspaper Ad (1%), and fewer than
(1%) from a home book, etc.